Solidtec Solutions has some great news to bring to the West Australian SolidWorks community that the SolidWorks User Group has been restarted and has it's 1st meeting planned.
The 1st meeting will be held at the Solidtec office at 26 Wheeler Street, Belmont on Wednesday March the 2nd. The agenda planned is as follows;
5-5:30pm doors open - Pizza & Drinks supplied
6pm start - Introduction and welcome
6:30pm - Industry Speaker (Well Ops)
7:00pm - Coffee and Cake
7:15pm - SolidWorks Tips (Malcolm Cook on Surfacing)
7:45pm - Modeling competition (Team Event)
8:15pm - Thank you and close
A big thanks goes to Owen Hetherington who has put together a great website that I would encourage all West Australian SolidWorks users to sign up to which will then notify them of any meetings and updates.
One of the strongest selling features of SolidWorks is the great community that surrounds it and User groups are an integeral part of this. They make great networking venues and may even be chance to catch up with old colleagues and friends and hopefully a place to make some new ones.
Their are no conditions to coming along, so regardless of the fact if you have used SolidWorks for years or never seen it before please come along. The plan is to run these meetings every 3 months and they will be on a Wednesday night. Everyones opinion is valued so please sign up and feel free to make any suggestions on how these meetings should run.
The website for the WA SolidWorks user group is http://www.waswug.net/
Hope to see you there.
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